We shorten the time to enter Polish B2B market.
Relationship sales and business representation
We carry direct sales activities on variuous organizational levels: from specialists upto C-level, based on our established relations across many industries. We manage product offerings and prices, prepare offers and tender responses. We support involved partners and resellers in their efforts.
Market analysis and business planning
We prepare Polish market studies with respect to offered solutions. Reports include competition, potential partners, preferred market segments and customers. Our main tool is telephone interview with decision makers for respective industries.
As a result a detailed business activity plan is delivered.
Channel partner sales
We develop B2B sales networks. We search for partners, qualify and train them so they are ready to execute projects and meet business goals.
Thanks to our existing partner network of IT companies you can quickly reach potential clients with a new product. We have daily co-operation with over 50 IT companies offering solutions and services for business.
B2B marketing
We support sales through promotional activities.
We organize promotional events, trade fair participation with boots and presentations, conferences and industry seminars. We conduct workshops and product trainings for potential clients and partners, both on-line and locally in all regions of Poland.
We coordinate direct mailing and telemarketing campaigns.
Product localisation
We adapt the offering to market needs. We prepare value proposition based on local market characteristics. We conduct localisation and polonization of application interface, documentation, web pages and marketing material.